Author Archives: Nicole Lawrence

Disappearing Walls

I knew, after the floor disappeared and the walls went transparent that time, that if I was close enough that I could walk right through them.  I tried for a while  in the months afterwords to shift my vision as … Continue reading

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Throughout my life I’ve had mystical experiences.  As a child I went to amazing realms in my dreams at night.  I awoke in the mornings with the certainty that those realms existed in the same location as the house I … Continue reading

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The New Status

I moved to California from Hawaii a couple of years ago. mostly due to the need for medical care that wasn’t available in Hawaii. The pace of life in California was faster than what I was used to living in … Continue reading

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A Realization

I saw/realized this a couple of months ago, while meditating. I’ve studied the western Metaphysical path and have traveled to India and engaged Eastern philosophy. Years ago, I struggled to make sense of both and see how they fit together. … Continue reading

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MASKS I don’t know anyone who really likes to wear a mask. They have become a contentious issue and jumping off point for various political statements. Like social distancing, masks may serve a more spiritual purpose than health and limiting … Continue reading

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SOCIAL DISTANCING From a spiritual perspective, social distancing and wearing masks might be one of the best things to help society change from the course we’ve been on the past few years.  Most people agree the world as we know … Continue reading

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Our Conversation

Our Conversation We are in the most exciting conversation of our lifetime. Women and men are talking about a new level of respect for women, what this could mean and what it might look like. Beyond the hate bashing there … Continue reading

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Taking Back Our Definitions

Taking Back our Definitions I recently read an article on Facebook on why white women still support the GOP despite the controversy over Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.  It talked about their firm belief in a two-gender system, male … Continue reading

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That’s Just Story – In Addition

MUSINGS ON THE NEW AGE A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age That’s Just Story – In Addition I recently completed an online workshop offered by Lazaris on the topic of innovation.  It was … Continue reading

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That’s Just Story – Part 2 of 2

MUSINGS ON THE NEW AGE A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age That’s Just Story Part 2 of 2 We humans are complex beings. In this day and age there is so much information … Continue reading

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