For a long time, I thought my main problem was that I didn’t die afterward. I don’t know why I did it. I’m assuming it was meant to be. One walk by the ocean and my world as I knew it, dissolved. Literally. Gone in less than seconds.

At the time I didn’t think much of it. I Wasn’t capable of thought at all, really. In those states of consciousness, there is no mind, it is just pure experience. There was nothing to think about any of it. Awareness of the would-be reality on a vast screen. Intense imagining sensations of a would-be body and its sensations. moving through imagined would-be time, space, and place. Imagined sunlight and warmth if sunlight were real. Imagined wind-on-skin sensations and flowing strands of hair on a not-seen body as though wind, skin and hair were real.

On the vast endless screen, the image of beach, ocean, path and sky moved gently outward, imitating forward movement. Time vanished.

I could only witness, knowing beach, sky, ocean, and body were not real. It was no longer “my body,” because it was no longer there. Nor did I care.

After some movement and sensations, what is considered time, the images and imaginings shifted back to a three-dimensional world. Then my mind began to catalogue the experience from the memories. Sorting, assessing, storing them as though the mind, itself had been in on the experience. The mind, trying to pass as a VIP in the world of higher consciousness experience.  But it can’t, it can only pretend to have been there.

This shifting of reality to a screen and back happened a few more times over the next few days. Sometimes while driving. I don’t believe I was in danger, as the image was that of a screen and the sensation of moving down a road. Any more than sitting in a movie theater and seeing the picture move to create the perception of going down train tracks or highway is in danger of crashing.

The sudden shift at the beach let me in first-hand on a secret espoused by many traditions.  This world is an illusion. We can think it, try to imagine the experience of this world being an illusion. But all the conjecture and imaginings cannot come close the actual experience.

One can conjecture this world as an illusion, and then open their eyes, interact, and continue on with their lives. It is nothing compared to the actual experience. The actual experience can wreck you. It dissolves all of the assumptions of reality you’ve been taught and indoctrinated into.

At the time, there was pure experience. After it, my mind re-engaged and began to sort and file what it could detect of the experience. “Whoa, that was something,” was somewhere in the beginning of the aftereffects. Attempts to give it meaning kicked in: Is this what enlightenment is?  What happens now?

I was still very high from the experience. Thoughts bubbled up intermittently and lapsed back into deep suspended silences. I still functioned, drove myself home from that walk on the beach.

Following shortly in the aftermath of the event, realizations and new understandings began to surface. After the wonder came the crash. What looks to be reality is really images on a screen, and it is happening moment to moment — the concept of time disappeared during the experience. With no time, there was no history. The connections I’d had to family and friends — the history with them — also left. The memories were there, and so was the understanding that the history was present-moment, generated memories for continuity of the illusion — our minds would crack without it.

For a long time, I thought my main problem was that I didn’t die afterward. I don’t know why I did it. I’m assuming it was meant to be. One walk by the ocean and my world as I knew it, dissolved. Literally. Gone in less than seconds.

At the time I didn’t think much of it. Wasn’t capable of thought at all, really. In those states of consciousness, there is no mind, just pure experience. There was nothing to think thoughts about any of it. Awareness of the would-be reality on a vast screen. Imagining sensations of a would-be body moving through imagined would-be time, space, and place. Imagined sunlight warmth if sunlight were real. Imagined wind-on-skin sensations and flowing strands of hair on a not-seen body as though wind, skin and hair were real.

On the vast endless screen, the image of beach, ocean, path and sky moved gently outward, imitating forward movement. Time vanished.

I could only witness, knowing beach, sky, ocean, and body were not real. It was no longer “my body,” because it was no longer there. Nor did I care.

After some movement and sensations, what is considered time, the images and imaginings shifted back to a three-dimensional world. Then my mind began to catalogue the experience from the memories. Sorting, assessing, storing them as though the mind, itself had been in on the experience. The mind, trying to pass as a VIP in the world of higher consciousness experience.  But it can’t, it can only pretend to have been there.

This shifting of reality to a screen and back happened a few more times over the next few days. Sometimes while driving. I don’t believe I was in danger, as the image was that of a screen and the sensation of moving down a road. Any more than sitting in a movie theater and seeing the picture move to create the perception of going down train tracks or highway is in danger of crashing.

The sudden shift at the beach let me in first-hand on a secret espoused by many traditions.  This world is an illusion. We can think it, try to imagine the experience of this world being an illusion. But all the conjecture and imaginings cannot come close the actual experience.

One can conjecture this world as an illusion, and then open their eyes, interact, and continue on with their lives. It is nothing compared to the actual experience. The actual experience can wreck you. It dissolves all of the assumptions of reality you’ve been taught and indoctrinated into.

At the time, there was pure experience. After it, my mind re-engaged and began to sort and file what it could detect of the experience. “Whoa, that was something,” was somewhere in the beginning of the aftereffects. Attempts to give it meaning kicked in: Is this what enlightenment is?  What happens now?

I was still very high from the experience. Thoughts bubbled up intermittently and lapsed back into deep suspended silences. I still functioned, drove myself home from that walk on the beach.

Following shortly in the aftermath of the event, realizations and new understandings began to surface. After the wonder came the crash. What looks to be reality is really images on a screen, and it is happening moment to moment — the concept of time disappeared during the experience. With no time, there was no history. The connections I’d had to family and friends — the history with them — also left. The memories were there, and so was the understanding that the history was present-moment, generated memories for continuity of the illusion — our minds would crack without it.THAT DAY

For a long time, I thought my main problem was that I didn’t die afterward. I don’t know why I did it. I’m assuming it was meant to be. One walk by the ocean and my world as I knew it, dissolved. Literally. Gone in less than seconds.

At the time I didn’t think much of it. Wasn’t capable of thought at all, really. In those states of consciousness, there is no mind, just pure experience. There was nothing to think thoughts about any of it. Awareness of the would-be reality on a vast screen. Imagining sensations of a would-be body moving through imagined would-be time, space, and place. Imagined sunlight warmth if sunlight were real. Imagined wind-on-skin sensations and flowing strands of hair on a not-seen body as though wind, skin and hair were real.

On the vast endless screen, the image of beach, ocean, path and sky moved gently outward, imitating forward movement. Time vanished.

I could only witness, knowing beach, sky, ocean, and body were not real. It was no longer “my body,” because it was no longer there. Nor did I care.

After some movement and sensations, what is considered time, the images and imaginings shifted back to a three-dimensional world. Then my mind began to catalogue the experience from the memories. Sorting, assessing, storing them as though the mind, itself had been in on the experience. The mind, trying to pass as a VIP in the world of higher consciousness experience.  But it can’t, it can only pretend to have been there.

This shifting of reality to a screen and back happened a few more times over the next few days. Sometimes while driving. I don’t believe I was in danger, as the image was that of a screen and the sensation of moving down a road. Any more than sitting in a movie theater and seeing the picture move to create the perception of going down train tracks or highway is in danger of crashing.

The sudden shift at the beach let me in first-hand on a secret espoused by many traditions.  This world is an illusion. We can think it, try to imagine the experience of this world being an illusion. But all the conjecture and imaginings cannot come close the actual experience.

One can conjecture this world as an illusion, and then open their eyes, interact, and continue on with their lives. It is nothing compared to the actual experience. The actual experience can wreck you. It dissolves all of the assumptions of reality you’ve been taught and indoctrinated into.

At the time, there was pure experience. After it, my mind re-engaged and began to sort and file what it could detect of the experience. “Whoa, that was something,” was somewhere in the beginning of the aftereffects. Attempts to give it meaning kicked in: Is this what enlightenment is?  What happens now?

I was still very high from the experience. Thoughts bubbled up intermittently and lapsed back into deep suspended silences. I still functioned, drove myself home from that walk on the beach.

Following shortly in the aftermath of the event, realizations and new understandings began to surface. After the wonder came the crash. What looks to be reality is really images on a screen, and it is happening moment to moment — the concept of time disappeared during the experience. With no time, there was no history. The connections I’d had to family and friends — the history with them — also left. The memories were there, and so was the understanding that the history was present-moment, generated memories for continuity of the illusion — our minds would crack without it.

For a long time, I thought my main problem was that I didn’t die afterward. I don’t know why I did it. I’m assuming it was meant to be. One walk by the ocean and my world as I knew it, dissolved. Literally. Gone in less than seconds.

At the time I didn’t think much of it. Wasn’t capable of thought at all, really. In those states of consciousness, there is no mind, just pure experience. There was nothing to think thoughts about any of it. Awareness of the would-be reality on a vast screen. Imagining sensations of a would-be body moving through imagined would-be time, space, and place. Imagined sunlight warmth if sunlight were real. Imagined wind-on-skin sensations and flowing strands of hair on a not-seen body as though wind, skin and hair were real.

On the vast endless screen, the image of beach, ocean, path and sky moved gently outward, imitating forward movement. Time vanished.

I could only witness, knowing beach, sky, ocean, and body were not real. It was no longer “my body,” because it was no longer there. Nor did I care.

After some movement and sensations, what is considered time, the images and imaginings shifted back to a three-dimensional world. Then my mind began to catalogue the experience from the memories. Sorting, assessing, storing them as though the mind, itself had been in on the experience. The mind, trying to pass as a VIP in the world of higher consciousness experience.  But it can’t, it can only pretend to have been there.

This shifting of reality to a screen and back happened a few more times over the next few days. Sometimes while driving. I don’t believe I was in danger, as the image was that of a screen and the sensation of moving down a road. Any more than sitting in a movie theater and seeing the picture move to create the perception of going down train tracks or highway is in danger of crashing.

The sudden shift at the beach let me in first-hand on a secret espoused by many traditions.  This world is an illusion. We can think it, try to imagine the experience of this world being an illusion. But all the conjecture and imaginings cannot come close the actual experience.

One can conjecture this world as an illusion, and then open their eyes, interact, and continue on with their lives. It is nothing compared to the actual experience. The actual experience can wreck you. It dissolves all of the assumptions of reality you’ve been taught and indoctrinated into.

At the time, there was pure experience. After it, my mind re-engaged and began to sort and file what it could detect of the experience. “Whoa, that was something,” was somewhere in the beginning of the aftereffects. Attempts to give it meaning kicked in: Is this what enlightenment is?  What happens now?

I was still very high from the experience. Thoughts bubbled up intermittently and lapsed back into deep suspended silences. I still functioned, drove myself home from that walk on the beach.

Following shortly in the aftermath of the event, realizations and new understandings began to surface. After the wonder came the crash. What looks to be reality is really images on a screen, and it is happening moment to moment — the concept of time disappeared during the experience. With no time, there was no history. The connections I’d had to family and friends — the history with them — also left. The memories were there, and so was the understanding that the history was present-moment, instant generated memories for continuity of the illusion — our minds would crack without it.

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Disappearing Walls

I knew, after the floor disappeared and the walls went transparent that time, that if I was close enough that I could walk right through them.  I tried for a while  in the months afterwords to shift my vision as had happened during the concert, much like when you draw a cube and can visually shift how you see it – coming towards you or going away from you. I didn’t have success with trying to make the vision shift happen.  

I’d gone to New York to hear a talk about metaphysics and spirituality given by Paul Solomon.  It was held in a cathedral in New York, all stone and stained glass.  I found the talk really interesting.  Paul had brought with him some musicians from the Fellowship of the Inner Light in Virginia Beach, VA. When Paul was done with his talk. The musicians gave a little concert. They were off to the side in an alcove.  I felt very light and happy listening to the music I got caught up in a feeling of joy with the soaring notes.   I was watching the musicians and my perception gave a jolt and shifted.  The stone wall behind the singers was no longer solid. It had become translucent it was like a gauze curtain.  I could see through it there were sparkling lights in space behind the gauze curtain that resembled a stone wall.  The floor under the musicians was not stone.  They were standing on space.  I looked around me, the pew I sat in and all of the pews were resting on space.  There was no vision of anything below.  I had the thought that if I stood up and started to walk.  I’d fall through the space that was the floor. 

It didn’t occur to me to think about what this experience meant or if it had any significance.  basically, I said to myself, “Well, that happened.”  I periodically, when the memory came up, tried to get my vision of the space I was in to shift by willing it. But was never able to make it happen.

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Throughout my life I’ve had mystical experiences.  As a child I went to amazing realms in my dreams at night.  I awoke in the mornings with the certainty that those realms existed in the same location as the house I was living in, they were right HERE, only I couldn’t see them.  In the dream realm I encountered magical creatures that left me feeling loved, safe, and that everything was going to be alright.  

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The New Status

I moved to California from Hawaii a couple of years ago. mostly due to the need for medical care that wasn’t available in Hawaii. The pace of life in California was faster than what I was used to living in Hawaii.

In the past couple of years the pace of things in California has become decidedly faster than two years ago. One’s status used to be defined by how big your house was, how fancy your car was. It depended on how pricey things were. Now, the new status seems to be around how rushed you are. I see it everywhere, people rushing through the grocery store, dashing from one appointment to the next, in a hurry to pickup their kids, to take the dog to the groomers, to get back home so the nanny can Ruch off to her various activities. People are driving unnecessarily fast, driving through red lights and stop signs. If you’re not in the same amount of rush as they are, you’ll hear bout it in the sounds of their car horns, that sound close to road rage. People need to slow down and learn to enjoy the air, the trees, flowers and sun. when you are rushing about, you’ll miss the fulfillment of the here and now moment. Try taking a few breaths before hitting that accelerator.

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A Realization

I saw/realized this a couple of months ago, while meditating. I’ve studied the western Metaphysical path and have traveled to India and engaged Eastern philosophy. Years ago, I struggled to make sense of both and see how they fit together. Then one day, poof they became one and the same.

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I don’t know anyone who really likes to wear a mask. They have become a contentious issue and jumping off point for various political statements. Like social distancing, masks may serve a more spiritual purpose than health and limiting the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

It was bound to happen – people refusing to wear masks and using all sorts of reasons and even fake documentation to support their position. I’m not talking about those who have a legitimate health reason – physical and psychological – to not wear a mask. I’m talking about the people who feel personally affronted by wearing a mask. 

It seems many of these people are the ones who like to talk the most. Even pre-pandemic, they’d be the talkers at parties. If anyone tried to interject, they’d talk louder and faster trying not to let anyone else have a say.  

They argue that wearing a mask robs them of oxygen. I think they are unhappy because they have to stop and think about what they are going to say, what to use their oxygen on. They can’t just blurt anymore. They have to decide if what they want to say is worth the expenditure of that oxygen.

It is said, “The eyes are the windows to the Soul.” One thing I’ve noticed is that, wearing a mask, people see each other’s eyes first. What if we are being given the opportunity to meet each other on the Soul level before words are spoken? 

Much of the verbal diatribe in the past few years has created divisiveness. What if wearing masks is one of the ways to begin healing this division?  What would happen if we all stopped to meet on the soul level before words are ever spoken? 

In our time alone we can meet what’s out of balance in our vibration and heal it. While out, we can meet others on a Soul level before talking and consider what words we are going to share, to help them and all of us fare well.

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From a spiritual perspective, social distancing and wearing masks might be one of the best things to help society change from the course we’ve been on the past few years. 

Most people agree the world as we know it has changed and that we have to open to, and ready to create and allow the new. 

A lack of civility is the norm. We’ve become careless in our handling of each other. Seemingly gone are the days where people discussed differences of opinion. There was an open-mindedness and curiosity without feeling threatened by another’s point of view. Now, people argue as if their inability to convince you will lead to their execution. 

They often spout what they’ve heard others say, blindly taking in information and assimilating it as true without any research or reflection. If anyone should disagree with them, they get louder and even abusive. As a society, we seem to have lost the art of listening, and then weighing and considering what we hear and going on to form our own opinion.

What if social distancing and wearing masks – even temporarily – are part of what will heal the rifts in society?

Beyond health and safety, social distancing lets people be alone in their own energy. We all have an energetic field or bubble around us called an aura. When we are physically close to others our auras overlap and we share energetic vibrations.

We’ve all met people we like to be around. They are uplifting and we feel good about ourselves when we are around them. We say people have a good vibe. With social distancing there is little to no auric overlap and we are faced with our own energy – our own vibration.

The law of resonance says that when two different resonances come together, usually one of three things will happen: the higher resonance will lower to match the lower vibration; the lower one will raise to match the higher one; or they will both shift to meet somewhere in the middle.

When we are around others, we begin to share their vibratory rate. It can be a distraction that takes us away from seeing ourselves clearly. Unless we are aware and make a conscious effort to hold our own resonance, we will begin to share their resonance/vibratory rate. When we spend time alone, we have to face what is coming up from within. It is only by dealing with that inner terrain that the outer has a chance to change. Our inner resonance contributes to, and even generates the world around us.

I’m not saying we need to be alone all of the time, but when you are alone, notice how you feel and what may be surfacing for healing.We need to be responsible for our own resonance now more than ever and stop trying to get away from ourselves or rely on others to carry us energetically. With all of the changes we are being asked to meet in the world, it is important to know where our individual energy lies – to know what we are contributing and see where we might heal to be a more expanded contribution.

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Our Conversation

Our Conversation

We are in the most exciting conversation of our lifetime. Women and men are talking about a new level of respect for women, what this could mean and what it might look like.

Beyond the hate bashing there are genuine deep discussions occurring. These conversations aren’t found in the headlines or screaming memes and political cartoons. They are voiced in quiet talks in line at the grocery store, or the discussions in coffee shops and also in the comment sections in online articles and posts.

Some, don’t want to entertain these possible changes. They feel we are bucking the status quo, that women’s roles are defined and should be left that way. Others, like myself, hold that centuries of inequality of women is up for change. Never before has the discussion been so open and vital.

 It’s been contentious and exhausting. There have been unkind words said on both sides. In among these thorns, petals can be found. Even when people are on opposite sides of an issue, I’ve seen a reaching out with love, in spite of their differences. 

I, for one, am part of the hopeful contingent for change. Some of our sisters and brothers don’t want to make the journey with us, and that is fine. We wish them well, but we must go on. It is in our blood, our Souls – a call to journey to the light of the new on the horizon. 

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Taking Back Our Definitions

Taking Back our Definitions

I recently read an article on Facebook on why white women still support the GOP despite the controversy over Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.  It talked about their firm belief in a two-gender system, male superiority, what some term chauvinism or patriarchy.

I’ve read before that the far right holds these beliefs, so this wasn’t new to me. One thing that did stand out was that these women consider themselves the “virtuous middle” of the country. I had to ask myself, “Since when do the these women get to define what virtue is?”

I would hazard a guess that their definition of virtue included patriarchal beliefs such as women should be seen and not heard, a wife is there to serve her husband, and that men know more what women need than a woman does. It is hard to argue with them and get them to see a different view – they feel secure in their superiority of virtue. 

Our language is binary in nature – the term ‘up’ includes ‘not down’ and ‘black’ indicates ‘not white.’ An unspoken, opposite is implied. Using the word virtue to define themselves, implies that everyone not “like them” are somehow un-virtuous. The women of the GOP aren’t actively saying this – they don’t need to. Our binary language says it for them.

Why should I be labeled by how they define virtue or non-virtue, as the case may be? Is their definition of virtue even true? I know their definition isn’t true for me. Left unexamined it remains the standard measure of society.

Loyalty, honor, truth, integrity, virtue, grace, and courage are just a few of the values that need to be examined for outmoded definitions. Feminine, masculine and what it means to be a man or a woman – straight, gay or transgender also need to be assessed. The old definitions contain assumptions that no longer work, and may have never even been true.

We, as a country need to take a deeper look at the fabric of the qualities, ideals, principles and values we have been living by now and into the future. We need to examine these threads for untruths, flaws and outdated definitions that hamper all of us. When these qualities go unchallenged, we are defined not only by the spoken, but also the unspoken/implied limits by default. We need to start taking our definitions back.

It’s like playing a game of baseball with broken bats, half the leather on the glove gone, chunks missing out of the ball, and crying foul on the other team. It is the equipment that isn’t working. These unexamined values keep us at each other’s throats. It may be time for a national debate. All sides may not agree on all the components that define these qualities, but hopefully there will be common ground where we can begin to build bridges.

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That’s Just Story – In Addition



A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

That’s Just Story – In Addition

I recently completed an online workshop offered by Lazaris on the topic of innovation.  It was rich with information and material to work with and follow up on. One thing they said, that stood out to me was that all true creativity was an attempt to tell a story. I thought about it, began reviewing in my mind great paintings and sculptures and I realized that this is true.

Even with my own art I was trying to capture the essence of a place (if a landscape), or the feel of something (if a still life), and communicate that, share what it meant to me.

Poetry is the same way, trying to share something from its creator to the hearts of those who read or hear it. And of course novels are stories meant to entertain us. When you think about it, it is really something that we can read the black marks on a page or screen that form words and sentences. These words and sentences have meaning to us, many forming imagery in our minds that capture our attention and stir our emotions. All from little black marks on a page or screen.

Yes, story is a big part of our lives and I, for one, hope it will remain so.

(If you would like to know more about the Lazaris material, you can click here.)

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