Disappearing Walls

I knew, after the floor disappeared and the walls went transparent that time, that if I was close enough that I could walk right through them.  I tried for a while  in the months afterwords to shift my vision as had happened during the concert, much like when you draw a cube and can visually shift how you see it – coming towards you or going away from you. I didn’t have success with trying to make the vision shift happen.  

I’d gone to New York to hear a talk about metaphysics and spirituality given by Paul Solomon.  It was held in a cathedral in New York, all stone and stained glass.  I found the talk really interesting.  Paul had brought with him some musicians from the Fellowship of the Inner Light in Virginia Beach, VA. When Paul was done with his talk. The musicians gave a little concert. They were off to the side in an alcove.  I felt very light and happy listening to the music I got caught up in a feeling of joy with the soaring notes.   I was watching the musicians and my perception gave a jolt and shifted.  The stone wall behind the singers was no longer solid. It had become translucent it was like a gauze curtain.  I could see through it there were sparkling lights in space behind the gauze curtain that resembled a stone wall.  The floor under the musicians was not stone.  They were standing on space.  I looked around me, the pew I sat in and all of the pews were resting on space.  There was no vision of anything below.  I had the thought that if I stood up and started to walk.  I’d fall through the space that was the floor. 

It didn’t occur to me to think about what this experience meant or if it had any significance.  basically, I said to myself, “Well, that happened.”  I periodically, when the memory came up, tried to get my vision of the space I was in to shift by willing it. But was never able to make it happen.

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