That’s Just Story – Part 2 of 2

Just Story 2

A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

That’s Just Story
Part 2 of 2

We humans are complex beings. In this day and age there is so much information available that much of it is reduced to a “sound bites” as a quick way to get an overview. But, trying to live through sound bites doesn’t work. We need to honor ourselves and our complexity.

I suspect the use of “no story” had its origins in being a way for people to release memories; part of a process of working through emotions and patterns that was freeing when used in the right way and the right timing.

Most of us know of, or have known someone stuck in an issue. They have been repeating their story for a long time, with no seeming end in sight.

There are many reasons a person can be caught in their “story.” They may not know how to move past it or haven’t found the right technique to help them let go. They might be afraid – have their identity wrapped up in the events and need to find a new way to see themselves in order to be free. In the right timing they can be helped by seeing their issue as a story – after they’ve done the inner work and come to a more balanced place.

Sometimes a person doesn’t want to or isn’t ready to change. With those people I do my best to be kind and encourage them to reach for freedom in their own timing.

It’s one thing to come to a place of freedom through inner releasing, where you can say to yourself, “Wow, that whole thing was just a story I was telling myself.” That’s coming from a place of self-reflection after deep work.

It is another to use “That’s just story,” out of context in a casual situation. Even when someone has asked for help with their process it is wise to use it judiciously.

In a way, all of life is a story. Even advertisers know this. In the space of a television commercial we are shown someone who has a problem and is seeking a solution. Even if the problem is only hinted at, whatever they are selling is promoted as the perfect answer.

As a society we often pass on our values to other generations through stories. It could be children’s books, popular holiday rhymes or tales from our own past. That’s not to say that what is being passed on doesn’t bear examination.

Story sparks imagination – it is more alive than a list of rules. When a person hears a story they are engaged, they visualize the description and their senses come alive in imagination. This way of conveying information leaves a lasting impression in memory.

When we sit down for coffee or tea with someone, we talk about our lives and what is going on with us and those we love. Sometimes there are challenges, sometimes successes. We share and listen to each other.

And listening is more than just hearing the other. Listening, in and of itself, can be a force for healing. I will be I will be posting a blog dedicated to this topic soon.

I stopped hanging out with people who cut me off with “That’s just story,” line. I deserve better than that. We all do.


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That’s Just Story – Part 1 of 2


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

That’s Just Story
Part 1 of 2

There’s a new thing happening in the world of the New Age, some of you may agree with it. I do not.

It is the use of “no story.” I’m talking about when someone asks how your day was and before you can get 3 words out, they chime in with, “That’s just story! I don’t want to hear any story.” Somehow, a tool used to help people gain freedom has become a response in everyday conversation.

A few years ago I successfully led a releasing group. One afternoon, as some of the members got settled, they were commenting to each other that this idea or that statement was just a story.

I asked if anyone had an issue they’d like help with and one of them raised their hand. She was a healer and told me that recently her clients had seemed unsatisfied with her sessions. I asked her to describe what she does with her clients.

“Well they come in,” she began. “I get them settled and ask what they want healing with. As soon as they start to talk I stop them and tell them I don’t want to hear any story.”

“Then, how do you know what they need help with?” I asked her.

“I just do what feels right,” she replied.

“Do they feel like they are getting help?” I inquired.

“They seem kind of upset and then leave,” she admitted.

The emphasis and energy she and the others in the group were using toward each other held the implication that story of any kind was wrong. One of them even turned it against themselves, lashing themselves for saying something they considered story. I worked with the healer and the rest of the group to come to a more neutral place around the concept of story.

A few months ago I was walking with some people and we passed a building being renovated. The plans were for it to be a restaurant and we were commenting on the progress when one person quipped, “Well that’s just story!”

It is painful to be on the receiving end of someone cutting you off with “That’s just story!” And in my releasing group it was painful to see people doing this to themselves.

Being used in this way it has the impact of dismissing another’s or one’s own experience. And using the word “just” conveys the idea that something isn’t worthy of time or attention – it is a subtle form of demeaning.

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New Age Bad Behavior

Sp Bad Bhvr


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

New Age Bad Behavior

I’m calling this post New Age Bad Behavior. Yes, it sounds judgmental. And yes, I’m pointing out behavior that, in my view, is less than spiritual by people who promote themselves as progressives in the new age. I feel I shouldn’t even have to say these things, that it would be obvious – that being said this is definitely a weird one.

Purposely sitting, poking, jumping on, or slapping someone on the head when they are meditating is not spiritual. I don’t meditate in public groups anymore – with the exception of certain, supervised seminars where I know I can trust the maturity of my fellow participants.

Meditate in groups at the beach? No.

Meditate in the lovely Hindu Temple nearby? No.

Crazy things can and have happened in unsupervised group meditations. And I’m not the only one this has happened to. I’ve been poked in the ribs, bashed in the head by an Indian woman with an oversized handbag, and leapt upon by someone thinking it was a joke to land their full weight on their ‘okole (rear end), onto my lotus crossed legs. Though they landed on me for only a few moments, it was a shock and it hurt. When you are in an altered state, having your body violated is distressing.

Sometimes, in crowded situations someone moving around can jostle you, and usually they are apologetic. This jumping on me was something else, the individual knew me, but wasn’t participating in the group meditation outside in the park. They were passing by and happened to see me.

I cannot imagine what would possess a person to purposely disrupt someone meditating – it felt like it was out of spite or malice. Sure, interrupt them if the building is on fire or there is another emergency, otherwise don’t disturb them.

After the meditation, I sought them out and said that it was disruptive and hurtful. They responded saying, “Oh, you’re just too sensitive,” and flounced off. Which is another example of what I call new age bad behavior – not taking responsibility for having negative impact on others. Not only is it not taking responsibility, it is being dismissive of the other person and their experience.

Was I angry? Yes. At the time they jumped on me I was more disoriented than anything. The anger came later with their denial of impact and dismissal of my feelings. It felt like a double violation.

At the time it happened, I wished I’d had the foresight to yell and bring attention to their actions. As it was, I was seated at the edge of the group, so no one else saw what they did. We have enough impact on each other just living our lives without purposely trying to hurt each other.

I processed my anger, got clarity and saw that, though this person had professed to be my friend, this was not an action a friend would take. I’ve since stepped back from any friendship with that individual. I needed to grow and see that I required better, more respectful friends. I shifted that part in me that felt I automatically needed to be friendly back to someone who wanted to be friends with me. I developed discernment and now wait to see if someone who says they want to be friends follows through with actions that reflect respect and trustworthiness.



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Let Me Bend Your Ear

Lend Ear


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

Let Me Bend Your Ear

What is it these days, that people feel the need to influence others into their way of thinking? There was a time when people were left to make their own decisions. There have always been those who want us to join them in their position, to get behind their cause. More recently, I’ve seen this kind of influencing reach beyond opinions and attitudes of world events to being used to target other people.

And what is it with those listening? Why are they allowing themselves to be so thoroughly influenced? Why aren’t they making up their own minds, or at least keeping an open mind?

We are inundated with so much information these days it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and rush to some kind of closure, to draw a conclusion, be done with it and move on. I had a mentor, growing up, who often counseled me to wait and see. He told me, that when he didn’t understand something and felt he didn’t have all of the information, he’d, “Put it on the back burner,’ and wait to see what showed up.

Years ago, when I first began my spiritual exploration, if someone tried to pressure you to agree with them, it was standard to reply, “Who died and made you God?” Or, “You think you know better than my Higher Self?”

I’m not referring to lively debate, or comparing differences in opinion, or seeking to come to some common ground. This kind of discussion has its place and it is often face-to-face in open dialogue.

Nor am I talking about those times when someone close to us has dealings with a person of questionable reputation. Which is usually handled by cautioning them to be careful, use discernment and take extra time to be sure this is someone they want to deal with.

I’m talking about those who go behind backs and actively interfere in the lives of others by trying to influence people for or against that individual. It’s usually done through imparting information (presented as privileged), which paints the person in a particular way. The information may or may not be true, may or may not be skewed.

I’ve seen people interfere in the lives of virtually complete strangers (to them) and the people are confused as to why they were passed over for an opportunity or promotion. I’ve been on the receiving end of this kind of thing myself.

Bill Harris, the creator of Holosync, said something in his book that made a lot of sense to me. I no longer have the book so I’ll have to paraphrase. He referred to the need to influence and direct the thinking and opinions of others was the sign of an immature mind.

Most often, this behavior is thought of as belonging to corporate ladder climbing, not something you’d find in the new age. I had always considered the new age to be populated with kinder, more compassionate people. Perhaps the new age is coming of age and moving into the dog-eat-dog world of unethical behavior.


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I Did, I Did, I Did

I Did...pages


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

I Did, I Did, I Did

“I did this, then I did that, then I did the other, and now I’m gone.” This seems to be the new, New Age fashion. Announce to everyone what you are doing/have done and then walk away. Forget about interacting. Forget about, “how are you? What is new with you?” One-way communication is the name of the game.

Two weeks ago at the health food store I was approached by someone I had known about 10 years ago. They had moved away from the island a few years ago and were back for a short visit. The conversation went something like this:

Her: “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! I’m here doing a very important function at the Hilton and I’m just here for the afternoon and evening, and I’ve been travelling and teaching, and all these people think so highly of me, I have so many students now, and it’s an honor for me to be doing this event tonight – my students wanted to come, but they couldn’t, and it’s been really great to see you and reconnect, I’m in a hurry – I’ve gotta run to be on time, bye!”

I think I only responded, bye back. Not once did she ask how I was doing, or what was up with me. Even being in a hurry she could have said, “I’d love to catch up, but I’m really short on time. Let’s figure a way and time we can connect properly.”

I felt like I was being delivered an advertisement for her life. I figure if a person has to do this, they must not be too happy or confident in their own life that they are unwilling to receive anything from yours.

I could have halfway believed the short on time bit, but for the fact that I was another 20 minutes in the store and when I checked out she was sitting in the car in the parking lot.

This isn’t the only example. More and more on social media people are sharing about their lives and what they are doing. Social media lends itself to this with the format of posting, however good social media gurus encourage engagement with others.

There’s a social media narcissism occurring. I’ve been requested to follow by a number of Instagramers. When I look at the account all but a couple of the 100+ photos are selfies – photos of themselves. Of these accounts I’ve seen two that were models who where promoting themselves – and in that instance, I think it is appropriate to have so many photos of themselves.

It rolls beyond social media into everyday life. People so focused on themselves and what they are doing there’s no room for other people in the exchange. Not everyone does this, but I’m seeing an increase in this in daily interactions.

It might be time to stop, look and listen to others around you. With today’s technology life has become full of sound bites – those 3 or 4 words that are supposed to sum it all up so that the message, idea, concept is transferred with the quickest speed possible. There’s a place for that, and there is a place for the complexity of us as human beings. We are more than 3 or 4 words we are layers of meaning. We exist beyond sound bites. Sound bites aren’t here to define us they are tools that can help us. It might be time to slow down and notice the people around us and spend time being with their complexity, letting them know they are seen and heard.

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Inner Guidance – Part 3 of 3

Inner Guidance 3


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

Inner Guidance – Part 3 of 3

When you have a success and you notice your mind going to, “this makes me better/more spiritual/more deserving than everyone else,” that is the voice of negative ego. Stop, and reach for something deeper inside yourself. Say no to that urging to fall into “better than,” and find the place that says, “Yes, I’ve achieved this and if it weren’t for the others I may not have pushed myself to be the best I can be.” Negative ego is not the voice of inner guidance.

Equality, (which is not sameness) and uniqueness are foreign to the negative ego. Its survival is based on being special and above others. Negative ego interprets what happens and makes a judgment about it.

Without negative ego you might still experience jealousy or other constricting emotions, but you recognize them as your own issues. If they are yours, you can do something about them – clear and release them.

In following your inner guidance you need to develop discernment, trust and an ear for when it is true guidance, negative ego or some other part of you such as your inner child, or inner critic. With discernment, you can tell what is true inner guidance. It wouldn’t tell you things that jeopardize your survival, and it isn’t a “do as your told and don’t questions” kind of thing. You can ask for more clarity before taking action.

Above all, your inner guidance is for your benefit. Everyone has the ability to develop a relationship with his or her inner Spirit, Soul, Higher Power or Higher Self. Your inner guidance doesn’t tell you what everyone else should be doing, it tells you what and where you need to focus and the actions that are for your highest good.

(If you are interested and would like more information on topics like inner guidance and negative ego, you can check out the many offerings at )

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Inner Guidance – Part 2 of 3

Inner Guidance 2


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

Inner Guidance – Part 2 of 3

Each of us have our unique talents and abilities, areas in which we excel, but that does not make us spiritually above others. Negative ego deals in separation. It feeds on comparison and competition to feel better than, or worse than others for some form of identity and self-esteem.

This is different from healthy competition where people compete knowing they are bettering themselves and are grateful and honor their competitors. They see their own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of others around them and recognize that we can all help each other to be better.

Some of the greatest athletes, who can be the best in the world in their sport, are very humble. In their success they seek to encourage and raise their fellow competitors to be the best they can be. They know that success is not only winning races or winning a medal; it is about what they learn about themselves and how they compete against themselves to become better. It is not about putting down others so they can feel better about themselves.

Ego specialness sees others as a threat and actively works to squash anyone coming close in talent. I met a woman who was working on a self-help book at the same time I was writing my book on healing my relationship with my mother. She said to me, “What you’re doing isn’t real writing. My book is real writing.” It was an attempt to throw me into self-doubt, which didn’t work.

Later, she tried to engage me in a discussion of who had sold more books, her or me, as a way to determine who was a better writer, and therefore somehow the winner. I walked away from that discussion. Number of book sales does not determine who is a good writer. Whether a person is a mediocre, bad or good writer, they can always improve if they have the desire to.

(If you are interested and would like more information on topics like inner guidance and negative ego, you can check out the many offerings at )

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Musings on the New Age – Blog Series

I’ve decided to start a series of blogs on my experiences of the new age. I’ve been a meditator for more than 30 years, have taken numerous courses in healing and energy work, and have attended too-many-to-count seminars to improve myself. I think many of us have been there, those who are interested in the same kinds of things.

While there is much good in the new age movement, there are some real eyebrow-raisers, too.  They seem to be more prevalent in recent years.  I hope you enjoy my musings as much as I’ve enjoyed writing them.

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Inner Guidance – Part 1 of 3

Inner Guidance1


A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age

Inner Guidance – Part 1 of 3

Recently, I received an email from someone telling me that their inner guidance said that I was to be included in financially supporting them on their next project. They stopped working and sent out the email to a small group of people detailing their money needs for the next two months.

As I had helped this individual on a previous occasion, I declined to assist them now. It’s not that I don’t help people; I have, in many ways. Their response to my decision was, to paraphrase it, that I had been made a trust officer by whatever inner guidance they followed – an implication that I didn’t have a choice.

In my opinion, this is not inner guidance; this is ego – or more accurately negative ego. Inner guidance can be a beautiful, powerful tool for Spiritual Growth. Inner guidance is for you; it does not coerce, manipulate or condone blackmailing or pressuring others into specific actions or acquiescence.

What I’m talking about is different from those who do “readings” for others – receiving information on specific issues. In these instances, one person seeks this information out from the other. The important point being “sought out.” The individual seeks this information, then upon receiving it, decides if it is accurate and worth taking action on.

When a person shows up uninvited saying you’ve been selected, chosen or that you don’t have a choice in the matter it is manipulation, a spiritual form of the Nigeria scam.

Following inner guidance and intuition is not new. It has been around even before the new age. Inner guidance, when accurate, can be a source of inspiration, understanding and answers.

When I first learned about working with inner guidance – higher aspects of myself – our teacher cautioned us to be aware that our negative ego could interfere.

Negative ego seeks to trip you up, to insert itself into your decisions about yourself and others. It reveals itself in the use of terms suggesting specialness – superiority to others, or conversely being “less than,” the worst there is. It can lead a person thinking they are special and spiritually above others.

(If you are interested and would like more information on topics like inner guidance and negative ego, you can check out the many offerings at )

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The Knot of Being Against

Colored Knot copy

The Knot of Being Against

By Nicole Lawrence

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”   – Sun Tzu

There is much in the world right now that is troubling and the natural inclination is to push against those things.  It’s important to know when to fight and when not to fight.  More important is to know when fighting may escalate a problem making it worse.

A lot of people want to fight against; to take a stand and fight.  This shows up in the “occupy” movements and among the many forms of protest that occur.  A lot of energy is being expended in the “fight against.”  I’m not saying that we should be compliant with what’s happening.  What I am addressing is the need to pay attention to the use of our energies in these situations.

All of this “fighting against” may be doing more harm than good in the long run. What if there was another way? What if the way lay not in fighting against but in “reaching for?”

One of the principles of metaphysics, reality creation – and Hawaiian Huna, as taught by Serge King – is that, “Energy flows where attention goes.”  What we oppose we feed with our energy and it grows stronger.  Often, in fighting against something, we inadvertently strengthen it without realizing it – making it more real, more solid and harder to change.

Being in “opposition to” can, though not always, be motivated from a feeling like a victim. Anger at feeling it’s being done to us makes us want to lash out and force it to stop. In a subtle way, coming from this reaction, reaffirms the position of victimhood.

Taking a stand of opposition has within it the inherent goal of eliminating what it opposes.  It engages “us” and “them” thinking – the “them” being the enemy.  This dynamic allows for only two points of view and those with a different perspective – perhaps even a more neutral one – often get lumped in with the “other side.”  A posture of two opposing sides tends to reduce listening and eliminate other options for solution.  With so much energy focused on the fight we sometimes overlook the chance to think “outside the box” and find new results.

In addition, there are a couple of ideas that one of my teachers, Lazaris, refers to: paradox and paradigm.  A paradox is when there are opposites and seemingly no answer.  By resolving the paradox – a process, not of blending them, but of going through the opposites to the other side – answers can be found, often unthought-of ones. These oppositions can be opportunities to move beyond limitation to new discoveries.

In the New Age there is the concept of paradigm, old and new, which represent the values and beliefs society operates under.  The old paradigm, sometimes called the chauvinistic paradigm, is one of hierarchy, win/lose, power over, us/them, and get ahead at the other’s expense.  Over the past few years many are seeing a shift and movement to a new paradigm.  This new paradigm speaks to win-win, we’re all one, and a sense that everyone is connected, yet individual too.  We can’t use the old paradigm to fight our way free from the old paradigm. We have to embrace a new way of being and move forward.

“The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand.”  – Sun Tzu

Solutions – the YES as opposed to the NO

We can approach these challenges from the old paradigm of “fighting against” and hope to win.  Or we can see these challenges as opportunities to reach beyond our limitations and seek new and inventive solutions.

Most, if not all people involved in the New Age movement have heard of the Law of Attraction.  While it is important to acknowledge what is “not working” – what may pose a threat to our health and well being – it is vital to focus on solutions.  To put attention on the fight to the exclusion of seeking solutions strengthens the problems.

In positive outcomes, where there was conflict, there was a “Yes,” a solution, that stood as an alternative to fighting against.  When more energy flowed into the solution than went into the struggle to stop, the resolution began to unfold.  Without a clearly defined “Yes,” the “No” is what gets energized.  It is enticing to continue to push against what we don’t want, but it is important to reach for solutions to pull ourselves into the new future.

Is there something your life or your world you’d like to shift?  What possible solution is being abandoned in the focus on the fight?  What “No” is getting the attention and energy that could be given to a “Yes.”  I’m not suggesting that the “No” be ignored.

Acknowledge it, and if you have attachments to the fight do whatever personal processing you need to on it.  These challenges are also opportunities for us to do our inner work.  When you are ready, turn and clearly define your “Yes” and begin to energize that.

What solution can you uncover in your personal challenges that you can say “Yes” to?  Is there a “Yes” you can find that will help your community?  And what is the greater “Yes” for humanity and the world?


For more information on Huna & Serge King –

For more information on Lazaris –

The Website for Sun Tzu Quotes –

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