Tag Archives: intuition

Disappearing Walls

I knew, after the floor disappeared and the walls went transparent that time, that if I was close enough that I could walk right through them.  I tried for a while  in the months afterwords to shift my vision as … Continue reading

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Throughout my life I’ve had mystical experiences.  As a child I went to amazing realms in my dreams at night.  I awoke in the mornings with the certainty that those realms existed in the same location as the house I … Continue reading

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Inner Guidance – Part 3 of 3

MUSINGS ON THE NEW AGE A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age Inner Guidance – Part 3 of 3 When you have a success and you notice your mind going to, “this makes me … Continue reading

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Inner Guidance – Part 2 of 3

MUSINGS ON THE NEW AGE A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age Inner Guidance – Part 2 of 3 Each of us have our unique talents and abilities, areas in which we excel, but … Continue reading

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Inner Guidance – Part 1 of 3

MUSINGS ON THE NEW AGE A series of blogs of life in the world of the New Age Inner Guidance – Part 1 of 3 Recently, I received an email from someone telling me that their inner guidance said that … Continue reading

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